Where is my order?
How do I know if my order has been shipped?
You'll receive an email from Ofaneem letting you know that your order has shipped. It will include the carrier (USPS, UPS, FedEx) and tracking number of your package. The time it takes for a package to ship can vary widely depending on the merchant and type of product. You can check the order status and anticipated ship time by going to the Orders section of your account profile. If it's been a while and you haven't heard anything about your order, contact us and we'll be happy to help you find the status of your order.
How do I know if you've received my order?
You can check the status of your order under the Orders section of your account profile. Once your purchase is complete you'll also receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email within 24 hours, contact us and we'll assist you.
What does my order status, such as "Pending" or "Shippe...
Your order status will be one of the following: Review Your order has been received and is currently in review. We'll contact you if we need more info. The review process typically takes about 2 hours, sometimes longer. We include this process to protect Ofaneem merchants from fraudulent orders, ruffians, and other miscreant behavior! (None of this applies to you, of course, but we're thoro... Read article